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Guide to using BioSimulations and BioSimulators

This section contains a brief guide for using BioSimulations and BioSimulators to create, publish, and find simulation projects and simulation tools. Please use the menu to the left to navigate through the guide. Below are links to additional tutorials and documentation.

Live and recorded tutorials

Information about upcoming live tutorials and recordings of past events is available here.

Deeper interactive tutorials on using the REST APIs and Python libraries

Jupyter notebooks with interactive tutorials are available from Binder.

  • Programmatically introspecting model/simulation files
  • Programmatically creating SED-ML files and COMBINE/OMEX archives from archetypical model/simulation files
  • Programmatically retrieving information about the capabilities of simulation tools
  • Programmatically executing simulations in Python

Example simulation projects

Several example model files, SED-ML files, Vega files, and COMBINE/OMEX archives are available here. This includes examples for all currently supported model languages.

Documentation for the REST APIs

Links to detailed examples and documentation for the REST APIs is available here.

Documentation for the BioSimulators simulation tools and core packages

Links to detailed documentation each simulation tool and the core BioSimulators packages are available here.

Last update: 2023-04-12